Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mukhriz Mahathir's forked tongue and splitting hair

First it was reported:

"Umno Youth chief aspirant Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir has called on the Government to abolish the vernacular school system to enhance unity among the people. He said a single school system was the only way to check racial polarisation.

Then he said he did not call for vernacular schools to be closed down:

"I said the system should be one. I don’t think the issue of closing schools arises. That is the last thing I want," he said when commenting on the flak he received after it was reported on Monday that he had called on the Government to abolish the vernacular school system to enhance unity among the people and that a single school system was the only way to check racial polarisation.

"The school remains the same physically and it is the system that needs changing where the medium of teaching would eventually be one, which is Bahasa Malaysia, except for Science and Mathematics," he said, adding that it would include religious schools.

Duh! That is really splitting hair there, if not plain speaking with a forked tongue! The attempt to hoodwink all and sundry continues with the son carrying on the work of the father.

Of course, the first statement wins him enough votes to be the Youth Chief comes March 2009, and the second statement puts him back in the good book with those who at first disagreed with him.

Let's look closer at what he said:

Now he has admitted what he said, just that he meant not physically closing the vernacular schools. Duh again! What the people were protesting about was his proposal to make those schools effectively NOT 'vernacular' any more. That is of course in effect closing them down AS vernacular schools.

His proposal would be that the schools cease to be vernacular, which is the same as "closing down vernacular schools". So what the heck is he trying to pull? Sure was trying to split the hair to hoodwink as many people as possible, if not all.

Please comment after reading this so more voices could be heard.

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